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Lara Berroth
Aug 6, 20246 min read
The connection between ADHD and binges: Why so many people with ADHD also struggle with binge-eating
Why so many people with ADHD also struggle with binge-eating and what you can do to break the cycle.
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Lara Berroth
Aug 1, 20244 min read
Fitness watches: Why they will NEVER be able to determine your exact energy expenditure and what actually influences it
Why fitness watches are inaccurate and what actually determines your energy expenditure
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Lara Berroth
Jul 29, 20244 min read
Machines vs. free weights: which one is superior?
In this article we dive into the advantages and disadvantages of machine training and free weight training.
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Lara Berroth
Jul 25, 20246 min read
Forget the number on the scale: what affects your weight and how you should actually monitor progress
Why the number on the scale is unimportant: what affects your weight and how can you monitor progress without focussing on your weight.
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Lara Berroth
Jul 22, 20245 min read
Why eating a balanced diet with ADHD can be difficult
If you'd like to know why eating a balanced diet can be difficult with ADHD, this article is for you.
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Lara Berroth
Jul 19, 20246 min read
Why exercising with ADHD is not that simple
If you'd like to know why exercising with ADHD is not as simple as it may sound, this article is for you.
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Lara Berroth
Jul 19, 20244 min read
Permanent stress is unhealthy: But what is stress and how can you reduce it?
Learn here what stress is exactly, what distinguishes positive and negative stress and what you can do to reduce your stress levels.
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